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Peggy's Playground vol.6

Peggy's Playground vol.6

peggy's playground monthly digest


It's time for the 6th volume of my monthly overshare digest! But I have to start by saying this: OMG I had so much fun connecting with so many of you over the last month. 




how to tuft a rug

I recently blabbered on about creating a rug tufting frame. After allllllll that, I'm actually putting it to use! There was some trial and error, but it helped remind me why I actually challenged myself. Isn't our subconscious a wild beast?
Well, story time:
I built my own rug tufting frame cuz I wanted to play with that as a hobby without the hefty price tag of one-off workshops especially since I knew what I was doing now ... but did I REALLY know what I was doing?!  I mean, yeah, I do understand the steps and it's not terribly difficult, HOWEVER … I failed at my first attempt, and it felt like a big fail because it was a big project. I made 5 pieces on one large piece of fabric (gotta use every square inch of that stuff). 
And while they were decent enough, they weren't as dense as I would have liked them to be. I also ruined the end result because I'd forgotten that I needed to overextend the edges before applying the backing, so now all these too-thin projects reveal the backing fabric along the edges for a nicely finished #eyesore.
It felt like a waste. UnFortunately, I was too far committed after all the research, frame build, tufting gun, yarn, yarn, more yarn, electric yarn winder (literally the best invention), hours of effort, Aleve, a little more yarn, a lot more yarn, you get it. So after a few days of taking a break, I forced myself to stretch a new fabric piece and start again. 

how to tuft a rug

Here's the lesson: 
I had the same exact feelings of literal delight as I did the first round (before I discovered my flub), and I'm reminding myself that this is the point. It's not the end result. That part's a bonus if it comes out shining bright. 
& that fact that I knew exactly what I wanted to do differently with this round gave me confidence that it would be so much better. And naturally, each time I know I'll discover something else that I'll want to do differently for the next. And so on. We're constantly evolving, but not if we're not putting the practice in. We learn by doing.
Pssst … tip time! If you want to transfer your artwork to a larger scale, use a projector!

Favorite Finds

I love it when I find a good ware. From essentials to splurges, these are my picks for this month…
  • Does neon yarn count as a hot find? 
  • I live in a state that is not humid. My hands are dry. My lips are dry. My scalp is dry. My skin … it's dry. I love a good lotion, but what I didn't realize was how much I love a good OIL. I've become obsessed with this body oil. I'd bathe in this stuff. I basically do. It doesn't stay oily and hydrates soooo much better than even the best lotion I've used. And it lasts forever!
  • It's been a little over a year since I had a parathyroidectomy (Who knew that was even a word or that there was a parathyroid that is totally a separate thing from a thyroid?! Maybe you did. I sure didn't), and when I went through that whole scare, I realized alllll the things that also affected kidneys. Like oxalates. And too many oxalates = sad kidneys. So I made the decision to cut back on black tea, but goshhhh I need that caffeine and green tea is so boring. UNTIL this berry one. It's a real delight and if you're a caffeine “girlie” and you like fruit, and tea, you're welcome. Don't worry, I still drink plenty of my favorite black tea. I wouldn't put myself through that purgatory. 
  • I read mixed reviews about automatic yarn winders, but with how much I've been going through tufting rugs, I couldn't hand crank that thing for another minute. I decided to at least try one and OMG IS THIS THE BEST THING EVER INVENTED FOR YARN? I get it if people want their yarn cakes to be neat and tidy, for sure. But to get the job done? That's what I'm here for. Yes puh-lease to the automatic yarn winder.


Unpopular Opinion

You agreed about My Little Pony. Let's see if you agree about Trolls. So again, why is this the redesign? If you didn't like the old trolls before, now ya love 'em.



Behind the Scenes

While editing Procreate Lettering Lab, I had the delight of pausing clips at the worst possible moments. They were so ridiculous that I started to screenshot them 😅 I figured I'd share in hopes that these make you feel a little better about any nasties you've been feeling lately, cuz we all have 'em 😳

procreate lettering lab outtakes

Challenge Accepted

Recently, I asked y'all how hand lettering shows up for you and what you were most wanting to work on in that regard (or if you didn't care about it, cuz that's cool too). And I also might have slipped in a little dare re: doodling your names in bubble letters 🫧🤣 
The odd part is that out of the 237 responses I received 🤯 only 20 of you actually dared me to do it! I suppose I should thank you for not loading me up with distractions bahaha. But I never leave a dare incomplete. So as promised, your names, doodled in bubble letters, '90s style (emphasis on doodled). 

bubble lettering style

Personal Musings

personal adventures

1. Jim just loves a car ride. It's notable. Hence photo.
2. Laura took this photo to remind me that I went in for “one red yarn” 😳  I've been getting a lotttt of yarn lately. I had to buy a shelving unit and everything. 3 simultaneous projects with yarn right now: temperature blanket, granny square vest, and ofc rugs.
3. Speaking of, the amount of yarn scraps I'm producing is out of control. Any ideas other than using it for filling?
4. I snagged up 3 beautiful old sewing machines, fully restored one of them (a Singer Featherweight), and have these two babes next (a 15-91 & a 115). I wanted to learn how to sew, but then I discovered that I LOVE the process of restoring them. Cuz I needed another hobby 😅
5. This is the gorgeous 1949 Singer Featherweight that I restored. I fully gutted it, cleaned every cm with tiny Q-tips, greased, oiled, and polished. To think that a few months ago, I had no idea about anything sewing-related, and now we're here. Goes to show that when you become mildly obsessed with something, you sure will make it happen. Now she needs a name. Taking suggestions!
6. This is uneventful, but it's the little things, right? We got our first sprint of good weather in Portland so we went to the park and played. And Jim is just darling.
most used art supplies
most commonly used colours


Don’t miss the next monthly digest overshare!

Who knows what’ll be in these emails, but I can promise you that they’ll be entertaining (to say the least). You can make sure you get the next one here!

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