Get ready to play with all of your art supplies
I'm not kidding.
Summer Creative Retreat is the BIGGEST virtual creative event of the year, and you're invited!!
This event takes place over a playful, interactive week that will break you
out of creative fatigue, give you the perfect escape from burn out.

Industry leading artists
Join a highly curated week-long event led by your favorite artists, alongside your fellow creatives

Community party
If you've attended any of The Pigeon Letters events in the past, you know how FUN our community is.
And there's a place for all of us here.

Level up your skills
Practice in real time as you're guided, step-by-step, in a variety of styles and techniques.

Once a year, we provide you with
All of this... for free
• Work alongside artists in REAL TIME
• Discover your favorite artists' go-to techniques
• Explore visual interpretation and composition
• Learn new skills, manipulate some you already know, and challenge yourself in style exploration

Take a peek at some of our past lineups 👀
cuz we're ALL fan-girling

Highlights from previous years...
Let's party
When ridiculously used as a verb, party (ˈpär-tē) can be informally described as "putting on your glad rags"

Your host
Hey, I'm Peggy
I've got a thing for art and I've also got a thing for the creative community. Y'all make me feel some kinda way. Creativity helped me during a dark time in my life and since then, I've dedicated my life to ensuring that other people can get the resources they need to do the same.
I'm an artist, author, and educator; I've got a bunch of resume creds over here if you wanna check them out. For now, let's celebrate creativity and smashing creative ruts. You're in for a treat. I am here for YOU.
Got a question?
I've got answers.
How much does it cost?
Summer Creative Retreat is a totally FREE event to attend live. If you’re interested in grabbing an All Access Pass to watch anytime at your leisure (and score on the bonus goodies), check all the details over here
Are the sessions live?
You know it! Because our instructor lineup this year involved so many artists from all over the world, to accommodate for time zone differences (and ensure the best event quality), some of the lessons will be fully live while others will be pre-recorded streamed videos with the artist ready to answer your questions in the chat! SO fun!
What timezone are the session in?
All the times are displayed in Pacific Time (use Google to convert to your time zone)
How long will I have access to the sessions if I can’t attend live?
If you're unable to create with us daily, not to worry!
You can get your All Access Pass to watch all workshops from all artists any time you want!
Replays are also available for 48h after each session.
Are replays available?
If you're unable to create with us daily, not to worry!
You can get your All Access Pass to watch all workshops from all artists any time you want!
Replays are also available for 48h after each session.
What supplies do I need?
You can snag the supply list that instructors will be using when you register. And if you're feeling like refreshing your stash with even more art supplies, snag Peggy's fatty 52-page guide of ALL her fav supplies over here (free)!
Can I use an iPad?
Hey, you do you! While most of the lessons will be analogue, you're encouraged to play with any and all medium of your choosing. If that's digital, awesome!
How do I watch the live sessions?
Summer Creative Retreat is hosted on our website! After your register, you'll receive your access instructions, the full schedule, and supplies that will be used in each sesh!
HOT TIP: Make sure you add to your safe senders list so you don’t miss the event access emails.