"Nobody cares about my course"
Wait a minute...
That's obviously not true.
However - how and where you position your language around your offer is crucial to the success of being a reputable online educator.
Get ready to reframe your course content
Reframe your language so your course can be discoverable and highly engaging .
This challenge will help you identify the type of content that works best for your students, create an engaging content plan, and develop a strategy for creating immersive content that will keep your students motivated and ready for your next offer.

Get your notebook out
Your challenge will begin immediately and will be delivered daily over the course of 7 days.
What if you created online courses that were so immersive, your students would be banging down your door waiting to take the next one?
I want to help you do what I did.

And because I like to over-deliver...
BONUS : 50-page workbook
Your guided workbook includes:
• daily prompts
• worksheets to complete
• marketing hacks
• secret formulas to boost conversions
• interactive direction
• recommendations & guidance
• industry resources
7 days, 50-page workbook, daily video lessons
This free 7-day challenge will help you to...
Implement a proven system for developing your fully validated, signature framework so you can finally stop burning out when your results aren't sustaining you, and instead increase your impact, your revenue and retention.
• identify the type of content that works best for your students
• create a strong content plan, and
• develop a strategy for creating engaging material that will keep your students motivated

The struggle is real
Do you have difficulty communicating compelling reasons for students to enroll in their online classes?
Do you struggle with making your course stand out in a crowded marketplace?
By the end of our 7 days together, you will have new knowledge and tools to help you define direction to produce high-quality, interactive content that will help your students stay focused and engaged in your online classes.

Here's my secret...
Teaching online is the #1 way I grew my business. It’s also been the most REWARDING of my career. The kicker is that I started off by breaking rules. I didn’t like traditional methods so I forged my own path. Sure, it presented a ton of trial and error, but I persisted and did it my way anyway. Even through the struggle, I surpassed 6 figures simply teaching in only my first year.
It truly SUCKS to see people going through the struggle and confusion of building online courses when all they really want is to do what they love. For that reason, I decided to share the strategies I’ve built over the years, the EXACT formula I use for my own courses, and ALL of my secrets and behind-the-scenes. I’ve NEVER shared any of this information with the public before, and the rebel in me is having a big ol’ party just thinking about the adrenaline. I’m committed to helping you. I’m all in. The only thing I can’t do… is make YOUR commitment to this process.