What if your courses had a stand-out signature framework that resulted in wildly engaged students each and every time?

I'll help you stand out

12 weeks of intensive training + 6 months of live coaching

We begin 20th June, 2024

how to film artwork
You're tired of low engagement...

You need raving students

Introducing a modern, proprietary framework for online educators who want to build immersive, engaging content that exceeds the demands of tomorrow's digital learners.

You will be challenged to restructure what you know about teaching online courses by getting set up with a proven infrastructure that will bring students back over and over. It's time that digital courses are forward-thinking, outcome-focused, and student-driven.

You might be asking yourself...

Is Creative Course Lab® right for me?

This program is for those looking to establish a signature framework in order to scale to explosive student growth and retention by learning a highly implementable structure designed for 6-figure courses.

Creative Course Lab® is meant for ambitious and motivated creative entrepreneurs who are ready to elevate their offers and stop making it up as they go.

Enroll now
Test & prove your course idea

It all begins with an idea, but the question you’re faced with is whether or not your idea is a good one. What if I told you that you NEVER have to guess and that you can prove it’s profitable (before you even press record)?

Dismantle fear & limiting beliefs

Confidence, or lack thereof, shows up clear as day in videos. This program will walk you through the deeper reason you have these haunting thoughts so you can dismiss them and never second-guess your process again.

Create a unique, immersive experience for students

You can create the best course in the world according to all the expert advice. But it’s not how you build your class that has your students in mind. It’s what you do INSIDE of your course that creates engagement.

Produce beautiful courses like the pros

Regardless of your tech knowledge, your final course will be a work of art, professionally rendered and a joy to watch. Your videos will keep visual interest with multiple techniques, and your delivery will be top notch.

Utilize intentional visual branding

Your visual branding says so much and you only have moments to attract your potential students. From your color palette to fonts to language used to the flow of your sale, your user experience is imperative from beginning to end.

Bonus class: Build an Effective Marketing Plan

You can launch two ways. The first way is with your excitement. The second way is strategically so you can actually reach the people you want to reach. Your market doesn’t know how valuable your content is until you educate them BEFORE they enroll.

The proof's in the puddin'

Here's what people are saying...

Premiere education

Taught by Peggy Dean, an award-winning educator, best-selling author, and world-renowned artist featured in the Wall Street Journal & The Today Show.

Monthly coaching

Tailored for direct attention and focus on exactly what you’re working on and the specific steps needed to take for the next stage.

Proprietary framework

Not only is Peggy's framework proven and tested, but it’s the only student-focused system created for the longevity of your participants.

Full resource access

Not only do you have lifetime access to the course contents, but you also have access to done-for-you templates, workbooks, and PDFs.

Streamlined workflow

Your new project management blueprint—get ready to be effortlessly productive.

Lean operations

You can be successful without splurging. Learn what to invest in that will truly make a difference, and leave the rest.

Massive growth

Avoid the biggest mistake of pouring efforts into the wrong places and use a set-in-place strategy for intentional growth.

Designed for creatives

This program was built for creatives of ALL kinds by a fellow successful creative (yours truly), so the information provided will directly apply to any creative niche.


You can invest in your future 100% risk-free . I want you to succeed by unlocking the best version of yourself.

Creative Course Lab® is backed by a 14-day money-back guarantee.

You're in the right place if...

⮕   You know your ideas have incredible potential but you don't know how to execute them.

⮕   You don't have a tested and proven framework that will create a successful course.

⮕   You like the idea of setting up a steady source of passive income doing what you love, that fuels your students, and works with or without you.

And most importantly...
You're committed to trusting the process and doing the work

Here's my secret...

Teaching online is the #1 way I grew my business. It’s also been the most REWARDING of my career. The kicker is that I started off by breaking rules. I didn’t like traditional methods so I forged my own path. Sure, it presented a ton of trial and error, but I persisted and did it my way anyway. Even through the struggle, I surpassed 6 figures simply teaching in only my first year.

It truly SUCKS to see people going through the struggle and confusion of building online courses when all they really want is to do what they love. For that reason, I decided to share the strategies I’ve built over the years, the EXACT formula I use for my own courses, and ALL of my secrets and behind-the-scenes. I’ve NEVER shared any of this information with the public before, and the rebel in me is having a big ol’ party just thinking about the adrenaline. I’m committed to helping you. I’m all in. The only thing I can’t do… is make YOUR commitment to this process.

If you’re ready and you’re committed to doing the work, you’ll have your direct roadmap to getting there. In only 12 weeks.

Imagine if...

• you never had to fight with your internal self doubt because you have a system so good in place that your confidence is effortless

• you exceeded your goals each and every day

• you never worried if you were "doing it right" again because the proof is in your rave reviews (and wallet)

• you had financial freedom by doing what you love

• you became the go-to person in your industry because of the way you present knowledge and techniques

• executing your ideas was a matter of taking action (no more wasted rumination sessions) because you have a signature structure

If all of that feels out of reach, big, scary, unachievable, I want you to literally picture them as a reality.

This isn't a "someday" dream. This is a today is the first day of the rest of your life reality. And I'm honored to be a part of it.

Bye, fluff!

In order for online classes to be successful, they can’t simply be focused on one aspect of learning.

The Creative Course Lab® is a proprietary, proven system that takes you step-by-step through the process of validating your course idea to set it up for success from the get-go, and addresses hurdles during the planning and creation stages, AND implements the only organic launch strategy you need (without the fluff of typical marketing programs).

Enroll now

Imagine giving your online students a modern, cutting-edge experience that would guarantee to make your digital courses stand out...

I want to help you do what I did.

What if you created online courses that were so immersive, your students would be banging down your door waiting to take the next one?

If your ambition tells you that you can do more, don't ignore it. You can scale your creative business far beyond what you can even imagine.

You might be thinking...

"Cool, Peggy, great. But what about all of the resources that already exist? What makes your program so different? "

I'll be real with you. You WILL find other course creation programs out there. They WILL promise you results.

But here's what they also do that I'll NEVER do:

🚫 They follow the same methods that keep getting recycled over and over again. It's boring and makes you blend in.

🚫 They provide overviews, tips and resources but forget to take extra measures to hold you accountable to do the work.

🚫 They're great cheerleaders. Don't get me wrong, mindset is crucial and we definitely dive deep into it within Creative Course Lab®. But I'm a straight shooter, giving you raw infrastructure to not only teach, but scale online education into a full-fledged, sustainable business.

Nobody taught me what I know. That's why I have an edge. That's why I stand out. And you shouldn't have to fit the mold or blend in, either.

Commit & Clarify

Phase 1

✔️ Get specific with your class idea
✔️ Clarify your offer in order to attract your ideal audience
✔️ Create the foundational infrastructure on which your class will build upon
✔️ Dismantle limiting beliefs and fear
✔️ Stand out by offering an authentic internal experience
✔️ Identify and break through the barriers that have held you back in the past
✔️ Discover the ways to test your idea to get proof of interest
✔️ Learn the strategy to formulate your high-converting offer

Position & Engage

Phase 2

✔️ "Build in reverse" method for planning your course
✔️ Start a visual plan for streamlined production
✔️ Frame your lessons for prompting action and outcome
✔️ Automate and streamline repeating tasks
✔️ Create focused lessons and/or modules with intentional content
✔️ Dive into the psychology of language positioning
✔️ Set up predictable income framework
✔️ Walk through pricing your course

Commit & Clarify

Phase 3

✔️ Go deep behind the curtain of top course hosting sites
✔️ Discover optional add-ons to elevate your user experience
✔️ Learn exactly what types of technology you need & how to use them for your specific course
✔️ Create effective visual assets for your class merchandising
✔️ Learn the types of scenes you must film and photograph
✔️ Implement my best filming practices for efficiency and quality
✔️ Learn hacks for filming b-roll, angles, screens, and talking head
✔️ Communicate concisely while still being thorough
✔️ Film and produce your full class
✔️ Easily edit your footage with your viewers in mind without overwhelm

Convert & Retain

Phase 4

✔️ Trigger organic engagement
✔️ Use intentional branding to assist with delivering your message
✔️ Significantly impact your course experience with storytelling
✔️ Build a strong user experience before enrollment
✔️ Formulate next steps for your students
✔️ Structure a high-converting landing page
✔️ Demonstrate strong engagement through visual branding
✔️ Ensure your class is search engine optimized by implementing my proven SEO strategy

The strategies, resources and tools I provide go far beyond just creating an online course.

The mindset, techniques, and systems that I can take you through before and during your course building process is structured deeply in clarity for your student's journey.

You're here because you...

✔️ are tired of being limited in your potential because you don't have the clarity you need

✔️ to provide transformational experiences within your courses

✔️ want to create more impact within your community while simultaneously scaling your business

✔️ want to create magnetic engagement within your classes, leaving your students primed to invest in their next offer

✔️ are ready to put in the work to create stand-out, proprietary framework that makes your competition irrelevant

✔️ have a growth mindset and are ready to do the work that it takes to achieve your big goals


This program will not work for you if any of these apply...

Creative Course Lab® is...

❌ not for those looking for a quick copy/paste solution to formatting and launching a class

❌ not for cherry-picking content to cut corners instead of being committed to implementing the full strategy

❌ not for those who aren't willing to invest in a system that offers the framework needed in order to see real results and grow

Enroll now

Got a question?

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What level of experience is needed?

Creative Course Lab® is catered to everyone with an end goal of intermediate to advanced progress. I cover everything from the ground up to make sure that beginners to even the most experienced instructors don't miss ANY gaps on the road to 6-figure courses.

What if I have a small (or no) audience?

Don't get hung up on social media numbers. While it doesn't hurt to have an audience, online courses don't depend on them. I show you why and how in the program, while walking you through my proven effective marketing strategies that don't feel gross and slimy.

Will I get immediate access to all of the ocntent?

Although you will get instant access to all the lessons, Creative Course Lab® is more of a program than a course, it's not intended for binge watching, but rather for implementation as you work through the lessons in each module. I have structured the organization of the lessons very intentionally so you have the best results and outcomes.

How does Creative Course Lab differ from other courses?

You WILL find other course creation programs out there. They WILL promise you results. But here's what they also do that I'll NEVER do:

🚫  They follow the same methods that keep getting recycled over and over again. It's boring and makes you blend in. 

🚫  They provide overviews, tips and resources but forget to take extra measures to hold you accountable to do the work. 

🚫  They're great cheerleaders. Don't get me wrong, mindset is crucial and we definitely dive deep into it within Creative Course Lab®.

But I'm a straight shooter , giving you raw infrastructure to not only teach, but scale online education into a full-fledged, sustainable business.

Nobody taught me what I know. That's why I have an edge. That's why I don't fit the mold. And you shouldn't have to blend in, either.

How long will I have access for?

You will have lifetime access to watch and rewatch to get refreshers at any time.

What is the investment?

Creative Course Lab® provides the option to pay in full for $1,197 or into separate payments over 3 months for $498 each installment.

What tech will I need?

If you're just beginning and you're wondering if you need to go out and buy allll the equipment, you sure don't. You can create great class content with only a camera phone, natural light, and an editing app.If you're looking for my recommended gear, I'll see you in Phase 3!

Do you offer a guarantee?

I applaud you for choosing what you invest in mindfully. As you make space for intentional learning, I'll be walking through this process with you. I'm so confident in my proprietary framework and course creation strategy that I can make you this promise:If you do not find this course helpful, email hello@thepigeonletters.com within 14 days and I will provide a full refund. The deal we'll make is that you must apply yourself and put in the work. It's the only way you'll see progress, and you deserve to make progress, mmkay?We're in this together and I want to see you crush your goals.